Soul Connections

The feeling that you recognize a stranger... An almost bizar sense of familiarity. It comes in many forms and can overwhelm even the most level-headed type of person. 


'Soulmates', 'kindred souls' and 'twin souls or -flames'

To many it might sound too 'touchy-feely' or far fetched...

Much has been written about this phenomenon and often in such a way that the average skeptic looses interest fast.


That doesn't mean that only the 'spiritual minded' deal with this phenomenon. Although they might be the ones to adres and further explore it. And because in this regard, scientific research does't get us much further, it is easily considered to be something that mainly concerns the 'spiritual types'.


But what if you -being a more or less level-headed type- all of a sudden face these inexplicable and intense feelings of recognition and find your world turned up side down; then what does it really matter. Then these terms might actually best describe what you are experiencing.

'I love you with my heart and my soul...'

The feeling that you love someone with your heart and soul. We all know that feeling right?

And there are also those persons in your life who can almost guess what you're thinking. Who always seem to understand you, because somehow it seems they are 'cut from the same cloth.' Those people that give you that sense of coming home, just being around them.

These people might be considered to be you 'kindred souls' or 'soulmates'. They almost seem like the 'earthly angels' in you life.


But as soon as you get too emotionally attached to the these persons, because you're convinced that you need them for your sense of happiness and worthiness, things can get complicated. Then 'false expectations' and projection can cause deep feelings of disappointment and lead to a stagnation of flowing energy in the relationship. 

You could say that this goes for all kinds of relationships right? But when it comes to deeper soul connections, this feeling is much more intens and can make you feel as though your are being cut from a part of yourself.

Twin souls or -Flames

So we have these people in our lives with whom we're on the same wavelength and that we could call our 'kindred souls'.

But what about these so called 'twin souls' (or -'flames') and how do you know when you've met yours?

Well in fact it shouldn't really matter how you call it, but it can actually bring some order to the chaos of emotions when your world is up side down and believe me: if you ever get to meet your twin soul, I'm sure it will.

So I've been using this name as well, because actually I couldn't come up with a better description and was really trying to find something to hold on to and give me some clarification.


Okay, that 'twin soul (or -'flame') right... What about it?

I won't pretend to be able to explain and understand it all tot the core, because I can't. But let's assume that if we all have a soul (or are a soul) that somewhere on this earth there is another soul from exactly the same essence. Just like 'twins'.

And let's assume that it can just happen that in a certain moment in your life, you come face to face with this twin soul and from that moment become completely 'aware', because you seem to 'recognize' that someone. This recognition can be so intense that you have the feeling of falling head over heals in love, or become frightened for what you're experiencing, or just feel so much love for that person without understanding how this can be.

And if you really get to know that person, you begin to notice how strongly you mirror each other; often leading to some confrontational insights as well as beautiful ones. It brings out the best and the worst parts in you.

This can bring up so much duality that it tares you up inside. Twin souls-relationships can be so mind blowing beautiful and bittersweet and compelling as well.

Often one of both has the tendency to 'run' or needs more space, leaving the other one heart broken and confused.

Whether or not an actual sustainable relationship is possible, depends on where both are in their own learning proces.

What's the whole point?

What is the point of all this?

Wholeness. Knowing that all that you try to find in someone else or the world around you, is already existing in you.

In fact: that this is all in your own essence.

You could say that the whole point is to go from feeling 'cut off' to feeling 'connected'. And yes, that isn't really that simple.

We, earthly beings, are attached to all that is tangible and gives us a sense of bliss. As soon as we feel like these things are out of reach because they don't seem tot be around us anymore, we get this horrible sense of loss.

But the meeting (recognition of) your twin soul activates a huge flow of processes and insights and with that, something irreversible is started. For some this goes faster than for others and for one bringing more challenges than for another... Nevertheless it can result in an endlessly beautiful awareness of always being connected with each other, because you are of the same essence and that essence contains all you really need.

After such an experience you might start to notice how everything is connected and related and that you are a part of it and have never really been 'cut off', even though you might have felt that way.

I don't wish to further try to explain 'the sense' of it all. I believe that this is something for everyone to find out for yourself.

Besides I myself am alsof 'just a passenger on my journey' sharing what I've come to and what I like to share...


And what about things you read about 'being split up in different bodies' of 'returning to the source', etc.... Well, many sites and books have been dedicated tot that, containing the most magical terms and to be honest... I don't think I can say much about it.

What I'm sharing on this site, is based on my own experience and what feels 'real' to me.

I tend to seek balance between an earthly and spiritual approach and am interested in both the physical- and metaphysical science, though I myself cannot completely contain it all.


Should you like to read my story about the meeting with my 'twin soul', you can so here: My story


Written by: 'Luna Eira'


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