It seems impossible. But this 'letting go' actually means releasing yourself from the true illusion. And that illusion might be different from what you expect...
What is really meant with that so called 'letting go'? And what is that actual 'illusion' about?
If you get in touch with a kindred soul (especially if it's your twin soul or -flame), it will feel wonderful and flow beautifully in the beginning; you'll automatically tune in to all the pure energy that is present. In that moment you'll barely have any expectations and are so grateful for just being together and that blissful and peaceful sense in every way you make contact.
Depending on where you are in your own proces in life, the challenge appears as soon as you try to mold the relationship into a certain form.
This can happen conscientiously or unconsciously, when for example, a friendship results in a love affair. In that case we often develop expectations, or project certain desires and insecurities on each other. Besides you may get more attached to the actual contact you have with each other and start to feel fear of losing that.
But even if it's not about love affairs, but about friendship growing stronger; there's often the fear of being abandoned and the projecting of insecurities and expectations.
Whether you are aware of it or not, in many cases your own 'shadow' sides start to ask for attention and healing, maybe even at an accelerated pace.
'The reunion won't be forced. If the timing isn't right and the individuals aren't 'whole', the circumstances might still seem magically perfect, but the lessons will start to manifest no matter what and the painful stage of having to 'let go' will be inevitable...' From: 'My story'
That fear of losing contact. That's what the true illusion is about...
You might be afraid that the connection between you and your 'twin' is gone and with that also that endlessly beautiful feeling of being fully in touch with the most beautiful matter in the world. but thát's what it's all about. Thát feeling! Being in love with life itself.
Believe it or nog: Thát feeling is always within our reach. We are thinking though (the illusion) that we need 'the other one(s)' for that blissful feeling.
We might not realize that we are actually 'in love' with something that exists in ourself, but that has been awakened by the other(s).
And that the 'chord' with that special soul has always been there and will always be.
With or without actual everyday contact, with or without everyday 'harmonious' contact.
So that's how we often need to find out about the necessity to 'LET GO' in an awfully painful way...
After every phase of 'letting go' and the life lessons that go with it, we come a step closer to that purpose.
That purpose to go through life feeling 'whole'. In touch with yourself, with self-love and love for life.
And that purpose can only be met, if we are willing to face and accept this.
'Letting go and embracing yourself and the life you've been given. Unlocking your heart and letting your love flow, just how it is meant.
It was never the intention for you to look at your love as something solely for your twin soul and for you to deny and exclude the rest of the world.
This realization slowly dawned on me at the time and was accompanied by a lot of pain and sorrow. But when I finally got the point, a wonderful period arose. I flourished and blossomed. I really got in touch with people in my every day life and finally dared to open up my heart to them more and more. I just felt the flow, I realized what I could mean to another and what they could mean to me. I started to realize that there's so much more that's meant to be than solely the reunification with that one special soul...'
From: 'My Story'
'Letting go' doesn't always mean that you actually break contact with each other. Sometimes it's about letting go a certain aspect, accepting that you can't influence something, because it just belongs to the other person (Karma, life lessons...) or to acknowledge that your loved one goes through a life phase asking so much attention, leaving your relation on a sidetrack. This might give you the feeling of a growing distance, or a great loss; especially when you stop seeing each other more and more.
Even then it can become a big challenge to really let go. But if you don't let go, than it seems the other one starts to 'flee' and withdraws, even if you just can't see what you've possibly done 'wrong'.
Please try to change perspective for a moment and place yourself in the other position. It can really help to imagine how you would feel if you are in a situation where you just need space, because you go through something hard and it consumes you to the point where even your loved ones can't really reach you as much.
What feelings rise in you if your loved one starts to show fear and worries about your so needed space and 'distance'.
Very likely that this sincere concern feels like an unwelcome pressure on you, resulting in you wanting to create even more space.
This is thus what happens in so many soulmate relationships... The ones involved mirror each other so strongly, that the impact is much more intense and the tendency to 'flee' develops much quicker. It sort of forces you to let go. Unfortunately but understandably you often don't see any liberating point in all of this at that moment. It can take years and years before you start to see the bigger picture and even if you are the most aware person, it doesn't mean that it just feels 'right'.
While writing this, I have to admit that I myself have mixed feelings about this phenomenon as well...
Am I always so 'in love with life itself' and have I really 'embraced' myself completely?
I've gone through many phases of 'letting go', but who knows how many more there are needed.
You can't always see all your life lessons clearly before you and that might be for the better. They come to you in their perfect time or as soon as you are ready for them. And that goes for all of us right?
'Looking back, he presented me the perfect mirror... It is what twin souls do. It is the love that is selfless, only pursuing the wholeness of the other one and of itself, because in essence they are one.' From: 'My story'
Written by: 'Luna Eira'
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